What Hard work, Motivation, and The Doctor’s Diet has in store for you.


I know it doesn’t look like that much yet but Summer is right around the corner and I am prepared to try my best to feel good this summer!!! I will keep putting pictures up every so often to show you the results!!! Thank you so much for reading!!!


Brandie Rae

Pinterest Pin! (Maybe Not Busted)


Okay I am hoping that there are people out there that have blackheads that have been wanting to try this. I know I did when I saw it!!! I usually just buy the Biore’ pore strips because they honestly get the job done but they are a little pricey. So the pin says that if you put honey on a lemon and then rub on the areas that are prone to blackheads that it will pull them out. So I put some honey on half a lemon and rubbed on my problem area…. my nose…. now this next picture is horrifying to have put on the internet…. but it’s all for the love of wanting others to know!!!! Here are my results:


Now it didn’t necessarily pick up all of the gunk but as you can see it does look like it’s pulling them to the surface. So I can’t definitively say that it’s BUSTED. I think this is something that has to be done a few times in order to work. so… I will try this for the next couple of days and take an after picture and show the results then. Anyway I hope this picture doesn’t scare you off my blog. I normally am really self-conscious about my pores and or black heads but I want the truth to be exposed about some of these pins on pinterest.  As always thank you so much for reading my blog I hope that my blogging is helping or inspiring someone out there!


Brandie Rae

Pinterest Pin Busted! (Pin Busts)


Have we all seen this post on pinterest? This if you haven’t you have now! It claims that this mixture will take the dead skin off of your feet. Well I decided to try it. I mixed the Listerine, Vinegar, and warm water in a bowl and soaked my feet in it for ten minutes. I’m sorry to say that the skin did not practically wipe off!!!! I even took a pumice stone to my feet and it did not come off any more than it normally would with pumice. So I say this pin has been busted!!! Tune in for more pin busts coming soon!!! As always thank you so much for reading and feel free to comment especially if you’ve had a different opinion or had something to add to this recipe!!!


Brandie Rae

GlitterandBoldz Facebook Page

GlitterandBoldz Facebook Page

Hey ya’ll just wanted to give you a chance to check out Glitterandboldz Facebook page. I post fitness motivation and things on beauty several times a day. I hope that you will give my page a look and a like! As always thank you for reading and make sure to comment!!!


Brandie Rae

Never pay for a good sugar scrub again with these two key ingredients!


I just wanted to share with you one of my beauty secrets!!! Olive Oil and Sugar

I used this on my legs as an exfoliant after shaving and will never have to buy the expensive junk at the store again!


1/2 C. Sugar

1/4- 1/2 C. Olive Oil

Any essential oils to add for smell if you don’t particularly like the smell of olive oil.

Mix both ingredients in a bowl. Voila! You are done! You have just made an awesome home-made and inexpensive sugar scrub for yourself. You can use this on your elbows, knees, or after shaving use it on your legs followed by your favorite moisturizer or coconut oil which I will get into more In my next few posts! I hope you love this recipe. I do I used it and it is wonderful! As always thank you so much for reading and make sure to leave your thoughts in the comment box!!!!!

PS. I will be posting a recipe soon for a sugar scrub that smells just delightful. It takes a little more time but just as useful and inexpensive!


❤ Brandie Rae ❤

Rubber Band and Weight Loss?

Rubber band 2

Something that has really helped me that I wanted to share is the rubber band method. Some psychologists call it self-administered aversion therapy. When you get a negative thought or in my case a craving, snap the rubber band on your wrist. In turn you will associate the uncomfortable feeling with the craving. I have heard in many cases that this helps with a lot of bad habits such as smoking or even negative thinking. Some have compared it to Pavlov’s Dogs. Getting dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell ringing by feeding it while ringing the bell. All I know is that this has helped me a lot. It may be uncomfortable and I would suggest starting off with smaller snaps to avoid too much discomfort. It may sound a little med-evil even but I think that It is safe enough to use as a craving buster. Along with the other methods I have suggested in my previous articles. I hope this helps you like it has helped me and my continuous cravings!!!! Good LUCK!!!


Brandie Rae

Week 2 of the doctor’s diet By Travis Stork. As interpreted by me. 7 LBS. In 14 days!!!


I  feel so good. Cooking the delicious meals from The Doctor’s Diet and feeling like I can actually do this. I have experienced a 7 lb. weight loss. SEVEN pounds in 14 days!!!!! They say a healthy amount of weight to lose is two lbs. per week.  You can imagine my excitement. I feel something I have never felt before. I feel proud of myself.  It’s really sad to say that I’ve never felt that but it’s true. I’ve never felt proud of myself until I started on this diet. Like I said before, Dr. Stork doesn’t promise amazing results without any effort. It’s been difficult it really has to completely change my way of thinking/eating but know that in saying that, the food that you’re eating makes it. It makes this diet. I want to say that the food combinations fill you up. It’s not hard because you’re hungry it’s hard because it’s all natural. Your taste buds aren’t used to these flavors and tastes. At least mine weren’t.  I am just here to talk about this book and to tell it from my side. A side that is honest and wanting others to succeed with or without this book. Changing your way of eating is not the easiest thing in the world to do but I find myself actually looking forward to summer which has never happened for me. You know why I am looking forward to it? It’s because I know that I will succeed on this endeavor. I know that this will be the time that I can look good in my swim suit, that I can wear a pair of shorts without being self-conscious and I can wear sundresses that will make my man’s eyes light up with joy. Losing this weight isn’t just about that though. It is about me feeling better all together. I’m feeling more confident and like myself again.  It’s about my future looking brighter now that I will be losing this weight. I am slaying the risk of diabetes, heart disease and many other health risks due to being overweight.  I hope that my words inspire someone out there. If not, it just feels good to know that I am trying my hardest at channeling my inner willpower goddess to work her my ass off for what I want. Thank you for reading and keep reading for more updates on the restore plan from The Doctor’s Diet.

Brandie Rae

How to Leave a Great Legacy

I love this.

Let's Reach Success

What will happen if you’re gone tomorrow? What will be left after you? How will people remember you? And will they remember you at all?

These questions are scary, I know. And we avoid them as much as we can.

Actually most people ask themselves that only once in a lifetime. And it’s often when it’s too late to do anything about it and make a change.

How to Leave a Great Legacy, Let's Reach Success By Leland Francisco @Flickr

They come to the conclusion that there’s nothing left after all the years they spent here and more sadly, it’s like they’ve never lived. What they do as a result of that enlightenment, is to spend their last years in regret and disappointment.

I know that’s too negative for a young person to think about. But putting these questions earlier will remind everyone of how precious each day is, how easy it is to forget to live for others…

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Words To Live By

This girl is on the right track!!! Thank you for sharing!! It really helps those of us going through tough times.

Don't Stop, Get it, Get it

Today has been a day where so many things have gone right.  I have enjoyed time with my close friends.  I have experienced a lovely, sweat-inducing workout.  I have treated my body well.  I have spent moments loving myself and my headspace and where I am right now in this world.  So I have decided to post some wonderfully motivational and inspirational quotes for today, that might help you get to the positive place that you need to be.

You are in control of your life.  You get to choose how happy and joy-filled your life is.  You get to create your life and your own happiness.  Embrace that, and fight for it.

You create your happiness through how you live your life, so don’t be afraid to live.  Don’t be afraid to make the choices that will bring you the most happiness.  Don’t be afraid.

Easily the most beautiful…

View original post 22 more words

Falling off the band wagon and not feeling bad about it.


Okay so we all know that changing your lifestyle or dieting or whatever you want to call it is not easy. IT IS HARD!!!!! So how do we work so hard on our changes and then one day just make a multitude of bad decisions to cancel out all the good ones we have worked so hard on? Well we are human, period. Even the skinniest of the skinny in Hollywood fall off every now and then. The key is to not beat yourself up about it and own your decisions. I know this sounds a lot easier than it is. For example today I made a decision that I would let myself have a free day. Am I feeling guilty about it? Yes. That is a big reason why I am writing this. I feel really bad. I have been working my ass off for 13 days just shy of two weeks I have lost almost 8 Lbs. now. Why would I give up all of this for one day of free eating? Well I believe that if you don’t you will not succeed on your endeavor. One day off the band wagon is better than falling off completely right? I know that in The Doctor’s Diet, Dr. Stork says not to reward yourself with a piece of cheesecake but instead with a pat on the back. I have agreed with almost everything except for that and it’s not that I fully disagree. I don’t agree that If you work out for one day you deserve a big piece of chocolate cake but if you are working your ass off for a while, maybe it’s time to reward yourself. Now I know I tend to ramble but hey! This is what blogs are about. Sharing your feelings and experiences. I want my readers to know that I am human and I do make mistakes. My point is, if you fall off your band wagon. WHO CARES!!!! Get back on it the next day and work twice as hard to fulfill your destiny. If there is nothing else that I have learned in this life it is that it is way too short to beat yourself up for something so little. Get back on that horse and ride it to that destiny that you have always dreamed of. Willpower, hard work, and most of all honesty with yourself on the choices you make. For now… still channeling my inner willpower goddess!! I hope that I have touched someone’s heart or connected with someone out there. Thank you for reading it means so much to me!!!! If you have any comments or experiences that you would like to share feel free to comment!


Brandie Rae

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